欢迎来到Stephen F. 奥斯汀州立大学! 学生就业 plays a vital role in both the professional and personal growth of our students. Regardless of your interests or background, you'll discover a work experiences that offers:

  • 宝贵的学习经验,补充你的课堂教育
  • Financial support for your education, while also contributing positively to the 稳定的十大彩票网站 community
  • Opportunities to network and build connections with faculty, staff, and fellow students 
  • Development of essential job and transferrable skills that prepare you for life after graduation and beyond

Student assistant and work-study student assistant positions are part time (less than 115 hours/month), 小时工,不享受福利待遇. 作为学生助理, you may not hold any other type of position such as a graduate assistantship or temporary casual employment at the same time that you are employed as a student assistant or work-study student assistant.

You can review and apply for open student assistant/work study positions by visiting the Careers@稳定的十大彩票网站 网站.

如果你正在申请工作学习工作, check with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to see if you are approved for Federal Work Study. 勤工俭学职位只招收符合条件的学生. 欲知详情,请浏览 经济援助勤工俭学网页.

不管这是你的第一份工作还是你在稳定的十大彩票网站的第一份工作, 全球十大赌钱软件排行欢迎您加入稳定的十大彩票网站伐木工大家庭!


Please visit the 人力资源 (HR) office on campus as soon as possible to complete the hiring process.


看到 可接受单据清单 用于联邦就业核实. Please bring your original, unexpired IDs/documents to the HR Office on campus. 向HR提供你的学生证号码, 稳定的十大彩票网站 email address and the name of the department for which you will be working.  You must present IDs/documents that establish both your identity and employment authorization. 



在您提交您的身份证/文件后, HR will send an email to your 稳定的十大彩票网站 email address with a list of tasks to be completed; this is onboarding. 完成HR邮件中的每一项任务、文件或培训.


As soon as you have completed onboarding, notify HR by calling 936-468-2304 or emailing hr@jakekaplans.net (一定要包括你的名字和学生号).


在收到你的通知之后, 人力资源部会核实一切是否完整, 如果是这样的话, will email an electronic “Go Card” to your hiring department - check with your department for your official start date!  


  • 尽快培训 - Advancing 学生 As Professionals 培训 is an interactive and engaging look into the world of work. 尽快培训 is mandatory for all new on-campus student employees and must be completed within 30 days of hire. 有关ASAP培训的更多信息, 访问职业和专业发展中心 尽快培训.
  • FERPA培训 - FERPA培训 is a mandatory training for employees who have access to student records. Student assistants with access to student records will be required to complete this training annually.


作品编号© 全球十大赌钱软件排行的新服务提供商是就业和收入验证吗!

人力资源部不再提供这项服务. All current and former employees who have separated from the university within the past three years should direct their lender and or requestor to our new self-serve option which is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for faster service. For former employees that left 稳定的十大彩票网站 more than three years ago, please email hr@jakekaplans.net.


The National 学生就业 Association designates one week each year for universities and colleges across the country to recognize, 欣赏, 鼓励学生员工. 

稳定的十大彩票网站,学校雇佣了1400多名学生员工. They play a key role in or educational, research, and operational excellence. Student employees perform invaluable services with enthusiasm, dedication, and initiative.
We would like to encourage departments to take the opportunity during National Student Employee Appreciation Week, 一年到头, to thank their student employees and let them know that their efforts are valued. 



  1. Treat Day – Full-time staff members buy treats or lunch for student workers.
  2. Treat Week – Each day bring something different – cookies, popcorn or candy.
  3. Photos – Take photos of student employees and post them along with a list of the wonderful things they do.
  4. 书店-为学生雇员购买稳定的十大彩票网站装备.
  5. Notes Home – Send a note to the families of the student workers and let them know what the student does and how their work impacts the department.
  6. Blank Certificates – Make up silly awards for students like Best Telephone Voice or Best Web-Surfer.
  7. 朋友hip Plants – Take cuttings from a plant in the office and give to each student as a live “connection” to the office.
  8. 饼干——学生喜欢饼干.
  9. Snack Goodie Bag – Fill it with small packs of popcorn, crackers, cookies, candy and chips.
  10. Healthy Meal – Provide food like crackers and cheese or spaghetti with ready-made sauce.
  11. 水果——在办公室里放一碗新鲜水果.
  12. Gift Cards – Buy gift cards for popular fast-food restaurants like Subway, 必胜客和麦当劳, 或者买票去看电影.
  13. 感谢信——制作感谢信并把它们装在镜框里.
  14. Cyber Cards – Send your students a free cyber card stating your appreciation.


  1. 音乐——让学生挑选当天的音乐.
  2. 角色转换——让你的学生员工当一天的老板.
  3. In and out – Let your student employee choose to come in late or leave early one day.
  4. Awards Ceremony – 给 out awards for unique categories such as Best Attendance, 最佳计算机技能, 大多数组织, 最佳客户服务. 
  5. Thankful Paper – Have employees in the office pass around a paper with the student employee’s name on it and have them write what they like about the student employee, 他们有多欣赏他们,喜欢他们加入团队.
  6. Employee of the Month/Week/Great Idea Award/Gotcha Award – Name an honoree and make a presentation during 学生就业 Week.
  7. 横幅——在你的办公室悬挂一个星期的感谢横幅.
  8. 装饰——一个星期, put something on the office bulletin board or the office door that recognizes the student employee.
  9. Home Cooking – There is nothing better than a home-cooked meal for a student.
  10. 谢谢你——一句简单的谢谢总是管用的.