
The Department of Education Studies will be a leader in preparing professionals to have a positive impact on advocacy, teaching and learning in a diverse and evolving world.


The Department of Education Studies prepares professionals to become reflective and informed practitioners, social justice advocates, and transformational leaders in their professional fields and in the larger society. To that end, we demonstrate and foster in one another creativity, critical insight, empathy, intellectual courage, and civic engagement, everlasting grounds for lifelong inquiry and the foundations for democratic citizenship.


Integrity: We follow moral and ethical principles in all aspects of life, including professional areas at work such as decision making, interacting honestly with colleagues, and serving students and the community in general.

Reflective Informed Practice: We critically reflect on our actions, creatively engage in a process of life-long continuous learning, and are committed to collaborative pedagogical relationships based in sound theory, consistent praxis and academic excellence in benefit of our students.

Democratic Citizenship: We believe that, as a community of learners, faculty, students, and staff have an active investment in true voice expression and active participation in decision making.